4“《中国木材志》修编”项目课题1.木材科学数据整编与木材志书编研,科技基础资源调查专项, 2023.11-2027.10
1 Yuanyuan Miao, Zhenbo Liu*, Yixing Liu, Jun Shen. Effect of Vibration Properties of a Resonance Board on Piano Timbre. Forest Products Journal, 2016, 66(1/2): 126-133
2 Yuanyuan Miao, Lili Qin, Fengliang Sun, Lingjing Zhu, Xinwei He, Zhenbo Liu*. Influence of the main components content of Picea jezoensis on acoustic vibration properties. Wood Research, 2017,62 (4): 557-564
3 Miao, Y., Zhong, M., and Liu, Z., Locating Wood Defects Based on Vibration Modes. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2018, 46 (2): 534-539
4 Miao Y., Qin L., Liu Z.*, Yang L., Lv X.. Effects of furfurylation on acoustic vibration performance of Paulownia wood. BioResources, 2018,13(3): 6850-6867
5苗媛媛,张晨阳,黄帝郡,田磊,赵天际,翟学勇,刘镇波.利用Hummers法混合酸液制备氧化石墨烯/纤维素复合材料的研究.林业工程学报, 2018,3(5): 97-102
6 Muzhi Li, Yuanyuan Miao, Xueyong Zhai, Yuxue Yin, Yuanting Zhang, Zhibin Jian, Xiuya Wang, Lipeng Sun, Zhenbo Liu*. Preparation of and research on bioinspired graphene oxide/nanocellulose/polydopamine ternary artificial nacre. Materials & Design, 2019,181(5), 107961
7 Yuanyuan Miao, Rui Li, Xiaodong Qian, Yuxue Yin, Yang Yang, Xianglong Jin, Bin Lin, Yixing Liu, Zhenbo Liu*. Effect of extraction on the acoustic vibrational properties of Picea jezoensis var. microsperma (Lindl.) W.C.Cheng & L.K.Fu. Annals of Forest Science, 2021, 78:24
8翟学勇,苗媛媛,王秀雅,万珂,尹玉雪,刘镇波.轴向压缩载荷下的音板木材振动和声学响应特性研究.振动与冲击, 2021, 40(23):187-193
9 Yuanyuan Miao, Xiuya Wang, Yixing Liu, Zhenbo Liu* and Wenshuai Chen*.Preparation of Graphene Oxide/Cellulose Composites with Microcrystalline Cellulose Acid Hydrolysis Using the Waste Acids Generated by the Hummers Method of Graphene Oxide Synthesis. Polymers, 2021, 13(24), 4453
10Xiuya Wang, Pengbo Xie, Lan He, Yuwei Liang, Liang Zhang, Yuanyuan Miao* and Zhenbo Liu*. Ultralight, Mechanically Enhanced, and Thermally Improved Graphene- Cellulose-Polyethyleneimine Aerogels for the Adsorption of Anionic and Cationic Dyes. Nanomaterials, 2022,12(10): 1727.
11李瑞,苗媛媛,钱晓东,林斌,金祥龙,李慕之,刘镇波.抽提处理对泡桐木材声学振动性能的影响.林业科学,2022,58(2): 171-181.
12Pengbo Xie, Ying Ge, Yida Wang, Jing Zhou, Yuanyuan Miao* and Zhenbo Liu*. Mechanically Enhanced Nanocrystalline Cellulose/Reduced Graphene Oxide/Polyethylene Glycol Electrically Conductive Composite Film. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(24), 4371.
13Liang Zhang, Lan He, Yuwei Liang, Juncheng Zhang, Haiyang Zhang, Jing Zhou, Haotian Cui, Mingrui Li, Yuanyuan Miao* and Zhenbo Liu*. Modulating the Acoustic Vibration Performance of Wood by Introducing a Periodic Annular Groove Structure[J]. Forests,2023, 14(12), 2360.
1第二批黑龙江省一流本科课程——《木材学》,黑龙江省教育厅, 2021
2第二批国家级一流本科课程——《木材学》,教育部, 2023