Minghui Guo

Date:2023-06-05Source: Hits:


Name:Minghui Guo



Date of birth:Oct. 1964


Major:Wood Science and Engineering

Political Status:Party member of CPC

Education:Doctor Degree

Foreign language:English

Proficiency: General /good / Proficient

Professional Title:Professor


Supervisor for:doctor or master


Research Interests: Biomass composite, wood framework and wood functional modification etc.

Position:Leader of wood science and technology subject

Courses Taught:Wood Science, Wood Protection and Modification

Education Background:

September 1982 – June 2001: Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s Degree in Northeast Forestry University

Working Experience:

August 1986 – Present: Have been engaged in teaching work and scientific research in Northeast Forestry University

Main Research Achievements:

1. September 2013: Won the first prize of natural science and technology academic achievements of Harbin for wood carbon science

2. January 2012: Won the first prize of progress of science and technology of Longjiang Forestry Industry for study of technology and equipment of efficient use and functional modification of wood

3. November 2013: Won the third prize of progress of science and technology of Heilongjiang Province for study of technology and equipment of efficient use and functional modification of wood

Academic papers published in recent five years:

1. Yuan, Y., & Guo, M. (2016). Life cycle assessment of hybrid modified industrial lignin /wood fiber composites. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 36(11), 4245-4252.

2. Hu, J., Du, W., Ji, X., Yuan, B., Liu, Y., & Guo, M. (2016). The chemistry, morphology, crystal structure and hydrophilicity properties of wood fibers treated by a magnetic immobilized laccase–mediator system. Rsc Advances, 6(39), 32572-32579.

3. Hu, J., & Guo, M. (2015). Influence of ammonium lignosulphonate on mechanical and thermal properties of polylactic acid/wood fiber biodegradable composites.Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 32(3), 657-664.

4. Hu, J., Yuan, B., Zhang, Y., & Guo, M. (2015). Immobilization of laccase on magnetic silica nanoparticles and its application in the oxidation of guaiacol, a phenolic lignin model compound. Rsc Advances, 5(120), 99439-99447.

5. Hu, J. P., & Guo, M. H. (2015). Influence of ammonium lignosulfonate on the mechanical and dimensional properties of wood fiber biocomposites reinforced with polylactic acid. Industrial Crops & Products, 78, 48–57.

6. Guo, M., & Qin, L. (2015).Radial Variation of the Wood Carbon Storage and Physical

Characteristics of the PlantedPinus koraiensis. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 51(1), 97-102.

7. Yuan, Y., Guo, M. H., & Liu, F. Y. (2013). Preparation and evaluation of green composites using modified ammonium lignosulfonate and polyethylenimine as a binder. Bioresources, 9(1), 836-848.

8. Liu, F., & Guo, M. (2015). Comparison of the characteristics of hydrothermal carbons derived from holocellulose and crude biomass. Journal of Materials Science, 50(4), 1624-1631.

Article and Books:

1. Guo, M., & Zhao, X. (2009). Introduction to Wood Climatology. Science Press.

2. Li, J., Guo, M., & Zhao, X. (2011). Wood Quality and Forest Environment. Science Press.

3. Guo, M., Guan, X., & Li, J. (2012). Wood Carbon Science. Science Press.

4. Guo, M., Hou, Q., & Tong, D. (2013). Woodworking Machinery Selection and Maintenance. Chemical Industry Press.

5. Song, K., Guo, M., & Sun, M. (2014). Production Process of Wood Products. Chemical Industry Press.

Social services:

Providing technical guidance and consulting services for Shandong Dongying Zhenghe Muye Co. Ltd, Ningbo Great World Group Co. Ltd. and Harbin Sanli Yafeng Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd.